Shakespear N MdutyanaCivil Engineering Technician

Areas of Expertise
  • Civil Engineering Technician
  • National Diploma: Civil Engineering (University of Johannesburg)
Professional Membership

Shakespear N Mdutyana is a National Diploma Civil engineering graduate from the University of Johannesburg. He is responsible for the designing of projects at the Polokwane Branch.

Shakespear has 3 years of experience which was earned working in the consulting and designing engineering field (Integrate Group Engineering Enterprise). His brings forth a proven track-record of modelling, analyzing, designing and draughting project drawings in roads, sewer and stormwater drainage systems for City of Ekurhuleni and other Municipalities.

How Can We Help?

Contact us at the Senapelo Consulting Engineers office nearest to you.

Johannesburg: 011 805 4919

Polokwane: 015 296 1746

or submit an inquiry online.


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